Friday, February 22, 2019

Rowan Public Library Food Policy

Rowan Public Library Disruptive Behavior Policy Statement
#9. no consumption of food, except in designated areas;

Q. What is considered a designated area for Patrons?
A. Stanback Auditorium, Hurley Room and Outside Areas

Q. What is considered a designated area for Staff?
A. Staff Areas Only (out of sight of patrons) 

We should always conceal food when we are walking through public areas of the library while the library is open.

Q. Why should we conceal food from Patrons?
A. Patrons may not be aware that food consumption is not allowed inside the library, if they see staff with food they could assume that they to can bring food into the library.
Call Security if you witness a patron eating in a undesignated area of the library, or approach the patron and politely say, "Excuse me, but you probably didn't know that food isn't allowed inside the library." Inform the patron that they are more than welcome to finish eating their food outside. (we should not send patrons to the meeting area to eat.)

If the Security Officer is not on duty and you do not feel comfortable approaching the patron inform your Supervisor.

The Disruptive Behavior Policy Statement is not only for our patrons.
We must lead by example. It makes it very difficult to enforce policies when Patrons see us breaking them.


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